Saturday, 5 November 2011

Year 10 update....

Our “year 10 GCSE’ers”, inspired by the work of Microbo (see previous post), have been recording a range of natural forms recently. The theme of their overall study is “growing & decaying” and this they have been showing through the range of natural forms that they have chosen to record. Their drawings have all been produced through primary observation with some have been informed by their recent visit to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The work they are producing at the minute is stunning and is a testament to the focus, commitment and sheer amount of time that they are investing into their “recording” unit…..Well done year 10’s….

Year 7's next move...

Following the successful completion of their mask drawings our year 7's have now moved on with their African Art project. They have started to work on African pattern designs inspired by individual tribes within Africa. This work will in time lead towards a final batik outcome… this space…

Thursday, 3 November 2011

My First African Mask

Our year 7 students have all now completed and had marked their first extended piece of work in the Friary Art department. They are working on an African themed project and have all drawn an African mask from primary observation in their Art lessons. Some of these masks were very peculiar and represented a real challenge for our year 7’s to draw. Students were encouraged to use line, shape, tone and form in their drawings and I am sure you will agree have done a fantastic job upon their first major piece of Art work in senior school….Well done all…

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Year 12 "Portraiture"

Following their recent visit to the BP Portrait Awards at The Wolverhampton Art Gallery our year 12 A level students have been working hard towards creating their own portrait ready for exhibition.

In the early part of their portraiture unit they are working hard on their "Record" assignment where they are recording from observation aspects of the human face and form in a range of media.

They have responded to this assignment fantastically so far and some of the stunning results of what they have observed can be seen here...

Wallpaper printing begins...

Our Year 10 BtEC Art & Design students have been working hard creating designs for their own range of wallpaper. They are working towards a brief where their client requires designs for a range of wallpaper insipired by natural forms. These designs were informed by their visit to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Today our students reached the stage where they actually put roller to printing block. Some of the results can be seen here.